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30 Day Peloton Challenge Complete!

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

30 Day Peloton Challenge Complete!
30 Day Peloton Challenge Complete!

30 Days Complete!

I wrapped up my 30-day Peloton challenge last Thursday. I wanted to give myself a few days of reflection in order to write my final challenge post. My legs have healed up and after a couple of days of rest, I actually took my first ride on the Peloton again yesterday.

I've read some 30-day fitness challenges people have done and they are sometimes accompanied by amazing transformations. Maybe they lose weight and or gain muscle mass. I can tell you in my personal journey those 30 days didn't result in any physical changes.

2 Ride 30 Minute Peloton Day!
2 Ride 30 Minute Peloton Day!


I thought the biggest challenge would be if my body could physically make it spinning on the Peloton. I was wrong. The biggest challenge for me was mentally just getting through it. If I didn't get enough sleep or I had a busy work day I still had to get that bike ride in. Every day my body was ready to go minus a few aches. It was my mental state that was sometimes the hurdle. You can only get yourself ready to go so many times in a row before you need a day off. My favorite food on this earth is pizza. As much as I love pizza if I ate it every day for 30 days I'd probably want to puke by the end of it. Today I went on a 15-minute Peloton ride and that was enough for me!

Day 26 Of My Peloton Challenge!
Day 26 Of My Peloton Challenge!


I had two basic goals for this fitness challenge. The first was to actually just finish the 30-day challenge. Second, to see some kind of physical change at the end of it. After about 3 weeks in, I could see physically no drastic changes were occurring. The before and after pictures would be unnecessary. With that not happening I focused on just finishing the 30 days. I obviously accomplished that goal and feel satisfied that I made that commitment.

Day 24 Of My Peloton Challenge Complete!
Day 24 Of My Peloton Challenge Complete!

What Did I Learn?

Do Something for 30 days straight and you learn something. The first thing I learned was your body is stronger than your brain. Your brain is constantly telling you to take the easiest way. I think it's a survival mechanism. My brain said I should quit before my body was ready for a rest.

Second, a fitness challenge is fun but unless you are dialed in with everything else your not going to see any dramatic changes. My nutrition was good but it wasn't great. My sleep was good (6 hours or so) but not great. If I wanted a transformation to occur during this challenge everything (exercise, nutrition, rest) should have been great.

Would I Do It Again?

Would I do another 30-Day Peloton Challenge? No, I wouldn't. It was a great way to challenge myself and I did that. In order for me to do another challenge there would have to be some benefit other than just a mental test. Also, if I were to design another I'd include goals for nutrition, sleep, as well as workouts. A fitness challenge that only focuses on one aspect of health and wellness isn't a worthwhile journey!

UPDATE 7/5 New Goal!

After a couple of months of being goalless and sleepwalking through my workouts and nutrition, I've set a new goal. I've registered for a Spartan Sprint Race! Follow my progress!

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