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Huel Complete Nutrition Bars: My Honest Review

Huel Complete Nutrition Bars
Huel Complete Nutrition Bars

Another Huel Review

This is the third Huel product I am reviewing on my blog. The first was their flagship Huel White Bag Meal Replacement Powder. I use it every day and would recommend you do the same if you're looking for a portable nutrient dense clean meal to add to your diet. At a couple bucks a serving it's an affordable way to get a full meal in at 400 calories. It's plant-based which is an added bonus for me. Not because I'm vegan but because whey/dairy gives me digestion problems.

The second Huel product I reviewed was the Huel Daily Greens. This product I would recommend in certain conditions. I use the Huel meal replacement powder and it includes 27 essential vitamins and minerals. I also take a Costco multivitamin gummy as well every day. I believe between those two products I have my bases covered foundationally. If you have holes in your every day diet then Huel Daily Greens is a great foundational supplement to take.

Want to save $15 on your first Huel Purchase? Follow my referral link and save!

My Third product obviously by the title is the Huel Complete Nutrition Bar. I have a subscription for my Huel White Bag Meal Replacement Powder. They ship me a couple bags every 3-4 weeks depending on how I have it set. Huel gives you a chance to add a one-time add-on sample to your order. I decided to throw on 2 bars and got 1 of each flavor to give them a try.

Bar Nutrition Breakdown

Huel Bar Nutrition
Huel Bar Nutrition

One thing I expect from Huel products is that they are nutrient-dense plant-based products. The Complete Nutrition Bar follows that same blueprint. Here are the basics:











The thing that stands out is how low-calorie this particular bar is. Finding a bar that is under 200 calories is hard to find out there. It's got enough fiber and protein for a snack to get you to your next meal. This is a great nutritional profile for people who are trying to lose weight and stay full. Huel has also added a full vitamin and mineral supplement to this bar so eating a couple of these a day would help you cover your bases.

How Does It Taste?

Huel Bar Texture
Huel Bar Texture

I think I've eaten just about every protein bar that is out there. I don't know how many gas stations I've hit up and the only thing there they had reasonably healthy to eat is a protein bar. Some are loaded with sugar and taste like your eating a snickers bar. Some are not loaded with sugar and it tastes like your eating chemicals! So when you see Huel only has 10 grams of carbs and 6 of those are fiber I'm expecting this to taste like the latter. I was wrong and surprised!

Both Chocolate Carmel and Peanut Carmel had the same consistency. They are chewy soft with the top layer of each bar being really gooey. The gooey part is the Carmel and it's in both bars. With only 2 grams of sugar in each bar I was surprised how sweet this bar tasted. It was a nice treat to have in between meals during the day!

Huel Bar Vs Costco Pure Protein Bar

Huel Bar VS Pure Protein
Huel Bar VS Pure Protein

A while back I wrote a post on how I routinely buy the Pure Protein Bars at Costco. I really like the Pure Protein Bar that they sell at Costco and I typically have a box in my pantry every week. They are high in protein, low in calories, and because they are at Costco they are affordable in a bulk box. Here is how my favorite bar at Costco measures up to a Huel Complete Nutrition Bar.

Huel Bar

Pure Protein Bar



















There are some big differences and some not so big differences. The obvious is cost. The Huel Complete Nutition Bar is $1.67 more than the Pure Protein Bar. From a budget prospective its a big difference. The next big difference is protein. Pure Protein has 7 more grams of protein than the Huel bar. If your expecting your bars to account for a big portion of your protein intake for the day this difference is going to matter. Where Huel does shine is the vitamin and mineral profile it has added to their bar. Pure protein doesn't do that so it's a more straight to the point bare bones protein bar. I also think for me Huel is nice because it is a non dairy vegan bar. For me it digests much easier. I believe both are solid picks it just depends on your dietary needs.

The Huel Difference

Like I said in the Intro this is my 3rd Huel product I'm reviewing. The reason I like Huel is because of what they promote and just important what they don't promote. Huel came up with their name by adding Human and Fuel together. They are into nutritionally complete food that is affordable, convenient and sustainable. Go to the Huel website and you won't see any over promising or insane claims. You won't see weight loss claims on their products although if you used them the right way you could expect to get lean. If you want a product that comes from a company that does things the right way check them out!

Should You Buy Huel Bars?

Huel Delivered!
Huel Delivered!

Do you need a healthy snack that tastes good and provides a nutritional foundation in your diet? Are you ok with paying a little more money for a bar knowing that your getting a little something for it? If so then Huel Complete Nutrition Bars should be on your list. If the Huel White Bag is a Meal Replacement Shake then the Huel Complete Nutrition Bar is a Snack Replacement. Put a couple of these in your bag and you know you wont veer off your diet and nutrition goals for that day. Personally at the end of the day I can feel the difference when my nutrition is locked in as opposed to playing it by ear and eating out. These bars will make sure at least 2 of my meals are rock solid!

Want to save $15 on your first Huel Purchase?  Follow my referral link and save!

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