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My 30-Day Peloton Challenge

Updated: Jan 3

30 Day Peloton Challenge

Challenge Your Fitness Routine

I'm happy to say my Fitness journey has been going well with very few hiccups or curves. I'm working out in my shed gym 4-5 days a week. For another 4-5 days a week, I go into my basement and ride my Peloton bike. My diet has been really consistent with about 90% of my calories coming from unprocessed quality food. Did you know consistency can sometimes be bad for your healthy lifestyle? Consistency over a long period of time can be BORING! I need to add some spice to my fitness recipe and a 30-Day Challenge is going to be my cayenne pepper!

Want $100 off accessories when you buy your Peloton Bike, Tread or Row? Use this Link to save when you order from Peloton directly.

Do you prefer to buy on Amazon? Click here to buy your Peloton on Amazon! Take advantage of that fast Amazon Shipping and still get free assembly!

Why Start A Fitness Challenge?

There are fitness challenges for just about every activity you can think of. I see people doing push-up challenges, squat challenges, and plank challenges. There are some real benefits to starting a fitness challenge; just about anyone can benefit from starting one. Here are a few reasons to give a challenge a shot.

  • Establishing A Habit. Doing something for 30 days is going to help you create a new routine through repetition. After the challenge is over, it will be easy to keep it in your daily routine.

  • Motivation- A 30-day challenge gives you a goal to work towards and a deadline. That deadline will increase focus and provide motivation.

  • Challenge Yourself- Pushing yourself to complete a 30-day fitness challenge will show you what you're capable of.

  • Variety- Trying a new workout or fitness routine for 30 days can provide a change of pace from your usual routine. If you're bored try a challenge to get engaged with your workouts.

  • Accountability: Joining a fitness challenge can provide accountability and support which can help you stay on track and motivated. Start one with a friend or post it on social media to put yourself out there.

I probably fall under wanting to challenge myself and variety. I have a great routine but I'm just looking for a change of pace and to crank up the difficulty.

MY 30-Day Peloton Challenge

I'm starting this today 3-1-2023. It's going to be really simple and only has two requirements.

  1. Ride the Peloton for 30 minutes. Class type doesn't matter as long as it's 30 minutes. Also combining rides to equal 30 minutes is acceptable. I enjoy some of the 20 minute harder rides so I'll add a 10-minute ride on there to get my 30.

  2. Perform a post stretch on Peloton. The majority of post-ride stretches are 5 mins but occasionally I may take a longer full-body session.

***One Caveat- If for some reason I have to leave my house for a day and cannot get on my Peloton I will substitute a 30-minute outdoor run on the Peloton app wherever I am at. I don't have anything on my schedule so this shouldn't come up.

It sounds really easy if I did this 3-4 times a week but this is 30 days straight. The good news is Peloton has a wide variety of classes that include HITT Rides all the way down to Low impact rides.

My weightlifting routine will not change at all. Currently, I'm doing 4 days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday). My diet is also not going to change. Currently, I eat 5-6 times a day. High protein moderate carbs and fats predominately make up my meals.

Measuring The Challenge

If I'm going to be riding my Peloton every day for 30 days I'd like to see if there are any measurable benefits. I'll be weighing myself every 7 days. I also took a picture today and will take one at the end of the 30 days.

I'll See You On March 31st!

4 weigh-ins on the scale, 4 weeks of progress reports, and a couple of photos will chart my progress. I wrote a post earlier this month "Is a Peloton Good For Weight Loss" where I concluded it may help you with your weight loss goals. Let's see if that is true. Maybe 30 days of riding my Peloton will result in zero weight loss and I'll be tired and injured. Or maybe I'll lose a few pounds, develop some extra stamina and come out of this stronger. Day 1 starts today!

Day 1 Complete!!!

30 Minute Peloton Ride Alex Toussaint
30 Minute Peloton Ride Alex Toussaint
5 Minute Post-Ride Stretch Bradley Rose
5 Minute Post-Ride Stretch Bradley Rose


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